Please note we – Nikos & Paola – handle bookings only through email & calls. We do not use third-party agents.
Rather confusingly there are two businesses in Mastichari with the name “Luis”. They are owned and managed separately.
We are mindful of data protection, privacy, personal, legal, and financial data concerns. We keep records only in respect of our own clients.
If you wish to raise a matter relating to a reservation made via a third-party agent (eg. we respectfully ask that you contact that agent using the contact details provided by them.
Should you wish to reconsider your choice of accommodation provider – and possibly save agents’ handling charges – we would be more than happy to hear from you. Our contact details are just on your left side of the screen.
We pride ourselves on our “personal touch” which starts with our direct reservations and continues with our being on-site during your stay.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Nikos & Paola